February 27 2017

February 27 2017


  • Nutrition Navigation (meal planning guidance) is launched!  To read about our program and the launch contest where you can win discounted dues or FREE training, CLICK HERE
  • Sign up for the 2017 CrossFit Open!  READ HERE
  • 17.1 Kickoff and Cookout this Saturday!  Friends and Family are welcome!  CLICK HERE
    • Modified Saturday Schedule during the Open until 3/25/17:
    • Mission Gorge: 9am start for the Open

    • Uptown: 9am class, 10am Intro class AND foundations at the same time. No Open gym available.

    • Miramar: 9am class, 10am ATG. At 10am also, intro class, 11am foundations. No Open gym available

SWOD(18 Min)
Take 5 Min to warm up thruster to a starting 2 rep weight, then
Every 75 Seconds x 10 sets: (12.5 Min total)
Thruster x 2 Once you fail a thruster,
Continue in the EMOM, but sub out Thrusters for Front Squats
*Goal is hit a heavy 2 on the thruster about the 5th set.

Open Prep WOD: Classic CrossFit
Ascending ladder in 11 min (3+3,6+6,9+9, 12+12, etc) of*
Clusters aka Squat Clean Thrusters (155/105)
Toes to Bar
* After each set: 30 Double Unders (60 singles) before moving onto Clusters
Score= Round completed and partial reps