February 20 2018

February 20 2018


  • Join us for the kickoff of the 2018 Open and Friday night lights!  We start off on Feb 23 with Miramar! Uptown and Mission Gorge will be closed at 5pm to allow funneling to Miramar CLICK HERE for the invite!
  • Schedule changes:
    • Miramar: 5am nonstop no longer offered, Sat 8am now a WOD, no more intro class, use free week instead
    • MG: Thursday 5pm is Nonstop only, no WOD, Friday 4pm is WOD only, no nonstop, no more intro class, use free week instead
    • Uptown:  no more intro class, use free week instead

Bicep Opener 3 x 2-5 reps each position

SWOD (16 min):
Bench Press Clusters 4 sets x 1.1.1
*rest 30 seconds between clusters, rest as needed between sets (a set contains 3 reps)

AMRAP 16 min
6 Renegade Rows (40/30)
8 Forward Lunges w/DBs at side
100m pinch carry (25/15)