WOD February 17 2012

WOD February 17 2012


  • TEAM BEACH WOD and Paleo Taste Test Event!! Sunday 3/18/12 down in OB, held by our friends at CrossFit Ocean Beach.  Winning team gets $$$!!!!  More details, click HERE
  • This Saturday, February 18th, CrossFit 858 will be open but will have Open Gym ONLY from 9am-12pm.  There will be a WOD prescribed but please note that you will not have a class structure nor coaching.  Thanks for your flexibility!
  • CrossFit Games Opens:We have decided to work whatever the Sectional WOD is into our Saturday programming. That being said, since we have no idea what the WODs are, we are asking that everyone remain patient on Saturdays if we have to run heats for the classes. Based on how the workouts were programmed last year we shouldn’t have a problem, but again we don’t know what CrossFit HQ has in store. Our Saturday class schedule is 8am, 9am, 11am (open gym) and Noon.If you would like to attempt the Sectional WODs at any other time you may, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our regular classes. Also be sure to have your workout validated by someone and follow the proper submission process. If you have any other questions please direct them to Coach Mark.

    For more info on the Opens and to register, Click HERE



SWOD: Behind the neck jerks 2/2/2/2/2 (each set should be done at 85% or more of your 1 RM jerk. Also, your grip should be as close as you can get it to your normal jerk grip.)


OTMEM for 5 min

5 Hang cleans (155#/115#)

10 Burpees