November 2 2012

November 2 2012


  • HOODIE PREORDERS!!! If you would like to order a CrossFit 858 hoodie, please go to our mindbody online store and purchase one online.  The deadline for ordering will be Sunday night November 4th!  These are zip up hoodies and if you would like to see how they look in person/fit, feel free to ask a fellow CrossFit 858 member to try theirs on!
  • CrossFit 858 Ladies Night: Oly Lifting and Photoshoot!!!  Friday November 16th  More details, CLICK HERE

SWOD: Thrusters 6/6/4/4/4 (start @ 65% of your 1RM)


AMRAP in 10 min

4 Muscle-ups (sub = 8 CTB Pull-ups)

5 Air squats

6 Power snatches (95#/65#)