CrossFit 858 Team Tournament

CrossFit 858 Team Tournament

Ever wonder what it’s like to be in CrossFit competition?  Want to know how you stack up against the rest of CrossFit 858?

Here’s your chance to test yourself in our first ever:

CrossFit 858 Team Tournament


  • Teams of two will compete head to head in a elimination tournament.
  • Two divisions, 8 teams for each gender: 8 Mens and 8 Womens Rx’d Teams, 8 Mens and 8 Womens Scaled Teams.
  • Winners take all.  No rankings, no ties, straight up elimination.
  • CrossFit 858 members ONLY.  
  • YOU pick your partner, but team matchups will be determined by the coaching staff to ensure fair match ups.
  • Coaches cannot compete.

Division requirements: Rx’d: Unassisted Pullups, 53/35 Kettlebell Swings, 95/65 Cleans, Deadlifts, Thrusters, Wall Balls 20/14 to 10’/9′  Scaled: Anything less than Rx’d 🙂  Each team entry will be evaluated to detect sandbaggers.

WODS: For an added element of surprise, WODs will be released the night before.

When: Saturday February 23, 2013  8:30am check in, 9:00am competition start.  Expect the tournament to end mid afternoon.  Lunch will be provided by Pete’s Paleo

Cost: To enter the tournament, there will be a small $10 fee per person ($20/team)

How to sign up:  Email Coach Mark at  You and your teammate will be charged $10 each.  In your email please supply:

  1. Team Name
  2. Partners Name
  3. Rx’d or Scaled

Have fun.  May the best team win.