August 15 2018

August 15 2018


  • Community Hike August 25th at Mission Trails CLICK HERE
A) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 – 3:00)
– Metcon: Come up with a strategy before starting that today that will minimize transition and allow for consistent work for the duration. Your loading choices for the snatches should be light as there is a total of 100 reps per athlete in this workout. You should be able to muscle snatch all reps.

B) Warm Up/Mobility (3:00 – 15:00)
Banded Snatch Warm-up then,
Then team up and each athlete complete:
2 Rounds of:
7 Power Snatch
14 Wallballs
21 Calorie Row
C) Metcon (15:00 – 55:00)
In teams of 3 for time: 100-80-60-40-20
Power Snatch (75, 55)
Wallballs (20, 14)
Calories on the Rower
Rx+:(95, 65) (Cals on Assault Bike)
L2: (65, 45) (14, 10)
L1: (55, 35) (10, 8)
*Beginner Option
Empty Bar Hang Muscle Snatch (or PVC) for Power Snatches 40:00 Cap
*Alternate Options
Calories on Assault Bike

D) Extra Credit (55:00 – 60:00)
5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing