October Members of the Month

October Members of the Month


Kimi Buddin

Kimi took such a huge leap to come try us out, despite being a bit timid about it. Through the last few months, she’s really grown into her own person, and her confidence has blossomed. We have loved watching her journey and cannot wait to see her continue to grow with us!


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I started CrossFit near the end of February, so about 8 months!


What got you hooked on CrossFit?

I loved how powerful and confident I felt after leaving the gym. I really enjoy discovering what I’m capable of, because I can do a lot of the movements/workouts I never thought I’d be able to do!


What is your favorite movement?

I love working on snatches and deadlifts!


Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

I’d like to be able to do toes to bar in the next year or two, so I’ve been working on movements to work up to that.


Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

The same advice I was given when I started: you’re stronger than you think!


Fun Fact:

I have a slight plant obsession. There’s currently more than 20 different plants in my room right now. 

M I S S I O N  G O R G E

Jacob Burger


We love Jacob’s enthusiasm and optimism he brings to each workout. He’s already challenged himself by participating in local competitions and he seems game for anything. We also love the fact he’s such a friendly face to the rest of our community and he makes friends so quickly. It’s people like Jacob we love to acknowledge!


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

4 months consistently. Otherwise a class here and there over the past 2-3 years.


What got you hooked on CrossFit?

There were a lot of things but the biggest was the community and having people around me to support me and push me. 


What is your favorite movement?

Push Press and thrusters… also short bursts on the assault bike. I can’t pick one!


Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

Lots. Two short term goals I have are being able to do double unders in every WOD and also do FRAN Rx.


Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

Give it time and don’t give up. Everyone starts at a different spot. There’s a lot to learn but if you are consistent you will see a difference. The more you do it the more fun you will have.


Fun Fact:

Despite my love for beer I actually wanted to be a Wine Sommelier for a long time. Blind wine tastings are one of my favorite things to do if I ever get a chance to do it!