Ben Bristow: Gym Manager!

Ben Bristow: Gym Manager!


Obama has Biden.  Clay had Jax.  Don Vito Corleone had Tom Hagen. Bert had Ernie.

Everyone needs a “#2”.

Over the past year, Ben had been responsible for many of the in gym improvements: organization of layout, PR/leaderboards, suggestions on equipment purchases, and sometimes but most importantly, keeping me sane and keeping my head from blowing off my neck.  Well now it’s time to give him a title and role….

Please join me in formally welcoming Ben Bristow as CrossFit 858’s gym manager.  (“Consigliere” was deemed inappropriate)

Ben’s duties, on top of coaching, will include helping me with day to day operations including membership services, vendor management, supply ordering, and marketing operations.   You will see an increased presence in social media and increased frequency of social events including in and out of gym events.

Ben will also help me execute gym optimization plans, one of his first projects being the creation of olympic lifting stations throughout the gym.

We will keep a open line of communication with each other so a question or comment to Ben is the same as coming to me.  Speaking of which, his official email is:

Ben is now my right hand man.  With him helping out, it will help make CrossFit 858 even better for the members.  We will always strive to raise the bar for the gym and bring more value to you.   We will continue making this one of the fastest growing and most fun CrossFit boxes in San Diego.

