WOD August 6, 2011

WOD August 6, 2011

Today we will only be holding the 12pm class at CrossFit 858. Please join us around 9:30am for a WOD at Mission Bay Park. We are holding this WOD to show our support for a fellow CrossFitter, Ted Hoyt of CrossFit Mission Gorge, who has fallen ill.  We want to show him how much we care for him and his family.

We will be meeting near the parking lot just North of The Hilton hotel. Simply drive South down E. Mission Bay Dr. and turn into the last parking lot before you reach The Hilton. Take a look at the map HERE. We have three affiliates participating, so just look for the large group of CrossFitters.

Please wear something green. The color green Green has great healing power. Green also suggests stability and endurance.


The Ted Hoyt WOD will be as follows:


In teams of two:


100 Burpees

100 Sit-ups

100 Air squats


Partner Wheel Barrow

-For time-


All movements must be completed in order. Partners must run together, but the reps may be divided up among the partners. However, while one partner is working the other partner will hold a plank position. We will determine the running distances and partner wheel barrow distance when we arrive at Mission bay Park. We will also brief everyone on the WOD prior to starting.

12pm WOD at CrossFit 858:

10 front squats (135#/95#)

5 pull ups

5 front squats

10 pull ups

-4 rounds for time-


Rest 2 min


A1) sit-ups 20/20/20/20

A2) push-ups 20/20/20/20 (*your goal is to maintain a rigid body position)