November Members of the Month

November Members of the Month


Alan Rogers

Alan is a pleasure to have in class. We can always count on Alan’s cheerful presence to bring a smile to everyone’s face and break even the most awkward silence. Alan works hard in the gym and his results are a direct reflection of his drive and determination. Alan goes above and beyond by volunteering his time at events and offering encouragement and support to all the members. Thank you for being such a strong part of our community.


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I’ve been doing CrossFit for about a year.


What got you hooked on CrossFit?

The friends I’ve made got me hooked on CrossFit. I hate training alone, so having a whole community behind me has completely changed the way I approach fitness.


What is your favorite movement?

My favorite movement is a tie between power cleans and bar muscle-ups.


Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

For my current goals, I just want to continue to improve my overall fitness and I want to start competing more locally. 


Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

Trust the programming and the coaching because results don’t come instantly.


Fun Fact:

I love everything involving the ocean. Diving, surfing, swimming, spearfishing, etc.


M I S S I O N  G O R G E

Anissa Ruiz


Since she joined, she’s been consistently showing up and it’s showing. We’ve been so excited to celebrate her wins with her along the way. After showing up every Tuesday for the snatch cycle working diligently on form with the barbell, she finished the cycle with a PR! It goes to show how focusing on form and technique can help you in your strength and confidence, even with such a complex movement.


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

3 months!


What got you hooked on CrossFit?

I have always been a workout class addict. From yoga, to boot camps, to barre classes, but there’s no environment like the CrossFit environment. I LOVE how friendly and motivating everyone is. To be able to workout and work on your fitness goals with likeminded people makes 858 feel like a second home to me!


What is your favorite movement?

Power Snatches and Hang Snatches (so far).They’re the first two movements I’ve consistently been trying to improve on since joining CrossFit.


Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

Yes! I want to work on my inversions (handstands, handstand push-ups, and handstand walk).


Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

It only looks intimidating from afar! Just sign up and go to your first class!


Fun Fact:

My first job was at Petco and I was a “certified rabbit handler”. If you adopted a rabbit at any Petco store in San Diego county you could hire me to house train your rabbit in your home. 🐰