Members of the Month – Jan 2020

Members of the Month – Jan 2020


Robert “Bobby” Mejia

Bobby is an incredible role model, not only to his daughter but to every single person he meets. He always comes in with a great attitude and makes it a point to greet and introduce himself to new members. He knows how to push himself and is always seeking a challenge, including competing and placing third in his first CrossFit Competition “Rookie Rollout” earlier this year!

Bobby is always willing to learn more as an athlete, but also when it comes to coaching as he aspires to be a world-class coach one day. He is extremely helpful when it comes to helping coaches and members put away equipment or giving that extra motivation to members when they are pushing through the end of a tough workout.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I’ve only been doing CrossFit for about five months.

What got you hooked on CrossFit?

The sense of community and camaraderie. Training with friends beats being alone any day. Plus, I like challenging myself and helping others push themselves to be better than they were before. Who doesn’t like slamming bars with their friends in the afternoon?

What is your favorite movement?

I like any barbell movements… But, currently, I like working on the Assault Bike.

Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

String my first double-unders together. For those of you who don’t know; I’m not coordinated at all. Growing up I never played sports so this is all new to me.

Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

Listen to the coaches, they know what they’re doing. They wholeheartedly care about you and your health. To listen and know your capacity so you don’t lift with your ego and end up injuring yourself. Also, to trust the process. The training methodology works, just commit the time and effort and you’ll see the results. 

Fun Fact:

I was born in Nicaragua, but raised in Florida. Got my American citizenship in 2014.  

M I S S I O N  G O R G E

Jacob Ferguson

Jacob is a true testament to how mastering the fundamentals can really help master greater abilities. When he started, it was clear his shoulder mobility would provide a challenge to many overhead movements. After being given mobility drills, Jacob consistently added them to his daily routine. Within months, his shoulder mobility was noticeably improved along with his squat snatches and handstand work. Jacob is eager to learn and improve his CrossFit abilities, but he is also humble enough to focus on the small things that can make a big impact in training.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I have been doing CrossFit for 3 months. 

What got you hooked on CrossFit?

 I was tired of my typical weightlifting routine and was in search of something different.  I found 858 in which the energy and support from other 858ers had me hooked. 

What is your favorite movement?

 My favorite movement is the Snatch. I am terrible at it but it is a great test of mobility and strength. 

Do you have any current goals you are trying to attain?

To become better at the sport of CrossFit each and everyday. Just nailed HSPUs now on to Kipping HSPUs. 

Do you have any advice for someone starting out in CrossFit?

First off, just show up.  Once you accomplish that you’ll be  introduced to a whole new world of fitness. 

Second. Mobility. Mobility. Mobility. 

Fun Fact:

CrossFit is Fun.