Week of 1/12/2020

Week of 1/12/2020

Week of 1/12/20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Announcements Training Through the Trimesters Workshop
Learn from Colleen Flaherty, founder of Co/Create and creator of the 2 day CrossFit approved CEU course Pregnancy & Postpartum Strength Training.
This Saturday, January 18 at 11am @ CrossFit 858 Mission Gorge
Note: The 11AM WOD will be canceled at Mission Gorge but will still take place at Miramar
Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/455990518419502/
SWOD SWOD: Week 1 of 8 Wendler (15 min)

Back Squat: 3×5
Set 1: 5 reps at 65% of base number
Set 2: 5 reps at 75% of base number
Set 3: 5+ reps at 85% of base number
Week 5 (20 min)
Power Cleans 4×2
Power Cleans 7×1, PR if you can
Phase 1 Tempo, Time under Tension 4/4
Phase 2 (Linear Progression) Week 4/4
Phase 3 (Clusters) Week 3/4
Phase 4 (Testing)

Push Press Clusters 4 sets x 2.1.1
*rest 30 seconds between clusters, rest as needed between sets (a set contains 4 reps)
A. Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlifts 3×8 (empty bar for most, stop early if form dies)
B. Strict Toes to Bar 3xFailure (shoot for at least 6, if can’t get 6, leg raises)
*Keep knees, toes, and heels together on Strict T2B
Week 1: Overhead Squat
A1) YTW 3×10
A2) Banded Pull Aparts

then, 5 sets of 5. Not Max effort, capped at 75% if you even know your 1RM
WOD Accumulate:
100/80 Calories on Assault Bike
100 DB Thrusters (30/20)

Partition as your heart desires

Rx+: (40/30)
L2: (20/15)
L1: 50-75 Reps/Cals, (15/10)
AMRAP 7 min:
7 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 Russian Swings (70/53)
7 Burpees

L2: (95/65), (53/35)
L1: (65/45), (35/26), Sprawls
Beginner: DB Power Cleans
5 DB Push Press (40/30)
20 Double Unders
Max Box Jumps (24/20) in time Remaining

Score = Box Jumps

Rx+: (50/35)
L2: (30/20), 30 SU/DU Mix, (20/14)
L1: (20/10), 40 SU, Step-Ups
4 Rounds for time:
100m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry (70/53)
10 Ring Push-Ups
100m Single Arm Farmer’s Carry (other arm)
10 Ring Push-Ups

L2: (53/35) DB Push-Ups
L1: (35/26) Regular-Push Ups, scale as needed
6 Rounds of:
60 Second Max Calorie Row
30 Second Max Deadlifts (135/95)
30 Second Rest
Score=total reps and cal

L2: (115/85)
L1: (75/55)
30 Wall balls (20/14)
10 Pull-Ups
10 Squat Cleans (95/65)
30 Jumping Lunges

L2: (14/10), Banded Pull-Ups, (75/55), DB weighted lunges
L1: (10) WB Thrusters, Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows, (45/35) Power Cleans + Front Squat, BW lunges
Beginner: Sub Squat Cleans w/ DB Front Squats
BRO SESH DB Sumo Squat
3 count descent
2 count hold at bottom
1 count ascent
Deficit KB Deadlift
HSPU 3×8
Rx+: Strict
Rx: Kipping
L2: Feet elevated on box, HSPU drill
L1: Pike Push-ups
Ab Circuit: 3 rounds
1a) 10 Plate Passes
1b) 20 Plank Plate Pass Throughs
Dimmel Deadlifts
3×20 @ light-moderate weight
Pec Carry
3-5x200m, Rest 1:00 between rounds
Stretching Pigeon Pose
Puppy Dog
Saddle Pose
Supine Twist
Single Leg Forward Fold
Lizard Pose
Eagle Pose
Downward Dog
Thread The Needle
Twisted Cross
Half Split
Forward Fold
Supine Twist
Archer Pose
Twisted Cross
Dragon Pose
Seated Straddle