WW: What to focus on when starting a healthy eating journey

WW: What to focus on when starting a healthy eating journey

The most common barrier I see to people cleaning up their nutrition is simply not knowing where to start. Most diets, templates, and programs will immediately push you into a meal plan or calorie counting, but this method isn’t ideal for long term success. Instead I’m going to tell you the 3 best places to start your healthy eating journey.



Most people struggle with healthy eating because of their existing habits, but oftentimes they aren’t aware there is a problem in the first place. The questions you should really ask yourself are:

  • How quickly do I eat?
  • Am I distracted when I eat?

Eating quickly and distractedly prevents us from noticing our fullness cues, and can lead us to overeat without even realizing it. Before you even get into how many calories should you be eating, a simple shift to eating slowly and mindfully can help you refine your portion sizes intuitively.



Next it’s best to identify if you’re eating out of true hunger or another reason, such as boredom, stress, or emotion. Our internal body cues can help us refine our intake as well but only if we learn to listen to them. Before you reach for food, ask yourself, “Am I truly hungry?” and begin to explore what could also be motivating you to eat at that moment. The more we pay attention, the better we can respond to our cues accordingly.



It’s hard to make change when you don’t know what exactly you need to change. Consider using a food journal for 3-5 days and write down everything you eat. After these three days take a look at that food journal and see if there are any patterns you notice. It can also help to keep track of emotion and hunger and fullness signals before and after meals.

  • Are you eating enough protein? Vegetables?
  • Are there any times you eat more out of habit than hunger?
  • Are you noticing a drop in energy somewhere in your day?

When you can visually see what you’re currently doing, you know how to make changes that will actually move the needle for you.



At the beginning of the program, I help my clients improve their eating habits, get in touch with their body cues, and set their baseline so they can better understand where they need to focus their efforts over the coming weeks.

Through 8 weeks of guided modules and group coaching, I teach my clients how to shift their habits toward healthier eating in a way that is tailored to their goals and lifestyle.

Ready to shift your habits for a sustainable healthy change that ISN’T a diet?

Apply Today – enrollment ends FRIDAY, so act fast!

Coach Diana Leigh is a Precision Nutrition certified coach who uses habit-based coaching to help her clients get stronger and feel amazing in their bodies without the restriction and overwhelm of dieting. For more helpful tips, follow her on Instagram @coachdianaleigh.

How you can work with Coach Diana:

1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Get individualized guidance in developing healthy and sustainable habits to help reach your goals – whether you’re looking for weight loss, muscle increase, or improved performance – without the stress and overwhelm of dieting or macro counting.

Learn more

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Nourish With Confidence Kickstart

An 8-week group coaching program that helps active individuals create a healthy relationship with food + ditch dieting for good through foundational nutrition habits, balanced strategies, and high-level support.

Enrollment open now, cycle begins 8/16

Learn more

Apply here